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Selasa, 21 April 2015


7 Benefits of Drinking Water Strikes Early in Day
Water is one of the drinks fresh and very healthy for your whole body. Can not imagine, if the body lacks fluids in a relatively long period of time. Haus is one of the body's response requiring fluid intake time soon. Based on the facts, all the organs of the human body needs fluids or water in an amount sufficient to support the various activities undertaken. The best time to begin to meet the need of water is in the morning. So, what are the benefits of drinking water terrible in the morning for the health of your body ... ???.

Companions, health tips. Ideally, a person needs 8 (eight) glasses of water per day. This is because, a lot of activities undertaken which can drain energy and fluids in the body. If the water needs are not met, then it will lead to a person becoming faster tired and less productive. The morning after waking from sleep is a good time to start the drinking water. Health Tip this time will be to review the benefits of drinking water in the morning. Here are 7 powerful benefits of drinking water in the morning. :

1.      Always Appear Younger. In fact, drinking water in the morning is very effective to remove and clean the toxins that are in the blood through sweat and urine. So that the body will be healthy and fresh throughout the day.
2.      Rejuvenation Muscles And Your Blood Cells. Drinking water in the morning beneficial to renew muscular organ and whole blood cells in the body.
3.      Balancing System Lymph Nodes. When the lymph system to work optimally, the body will have more power to fight infections that may interfere with the quality of your health you have.
4.      Controlling Body Weight. The ideal body weight is the dream of every person. For those of you who want to adjust the proportional weight, then start to meet the need of water in the morning.
5.      Have a Healthy Colon. The large intestine is one of the organs in our pencernan system. With drinking water in the morning. will have a positive impact on the health of the colon. So that the absorption of food nutrients can work well too.
6.      Kidney Organ Healthier. Meet the need of water intake in the morning can help lighten the work the kidneys while keeping the kidney organ health.
7.      Streamlining defecation. For someone suffering from constipation or difficult bowel in the morning, then you should drink water when you wake up which aims to assist the smooth bowel movement.

source :

Senin, 20 April 2015


Degree of Comparison

Degree of comparison i one of the grammar of English which is often used in both written and conversational practice. Degreeof comparison of this material into the category of adverbial ang adjectives such a using a second element to create a sentence degree of comparison In this session. I will explain what the degree of comparison, the types, rules and example sentences.

A. Definitin Degree of Comparison
Degree of Comparison is to compare the quality of nature (adjective) or the quality of the work (adverb) of two or more actors. For exmple:

1. You are more beatiful than me.The sentence is to compare the two actors in terms of the quality of her beauty.
2. Dani runs faster than Dono. The sentenceis to compare the quality of jobs( running) two actors where Dani faster ( faster ) than Dono.

B. Types of Degree of Comparison

Degree of Comparison in Englishis divided into 3 typs of levels:
Positive, Comparativeand Superlative.

1. Positibe is to comparetwo ormore people or something that has the quality of the work or the same properties.
example :
> Tono walksas fast as Toni ( Adverb )
> Tini is as tall as Tina ( Adjective )

2. Comparative are comparing two or more people or something that has the quality of work or the nature of which is not the same, which one is more when comapared to the others.
example :
> He is taller than me ( Adjective )
> Jono plays piano as well as Joni ( Adverb)

3. Superlative to compare someoneor something with a groupor group.
example :
> I am the handsome in Gembiraloka zoo ( Adjective )
> Captain America super hero runs the lowest I've ever see ( Adverb)

C. Regulation Degree of Comparison

1. The use of comparative depending on the number of syllbes its adjective . eg: Tall ( one syllable ), Famous ( two syllables) Beautiful ( three syllables )

>  1 syllable: just add -est / -er itow. Example :  I am slimer than you. My father is oldest in my family.
> 2 syllables. Some use more no use for comparative -er. For some use superlative -est anyone use most.  Example : Tukul more famous than gogon or may also Tukul cleverer than gogon ; We are the cleverest / most clever creation of God.
> 3 or more. must use the Most and More. Example : She is the most beautiful girl in my life.

2. Exceptions:
> some adjectives in compartive and suerlative will experience double pen's last letter. such as: big> bigger ang biggest; sad> sadder and saddest.
> If the adjective ends with the letter "y", then replaced with "i". Such as: Happy> Happiest and Happier.
> special words bellow amendments are as follows :
#   Bad > Worse
# good > Better > Best
# Little > Less > Least
#Muxh > More > Most

D. Example Sentences
A. Superlative
1. Komodo daragon is the biggest lizard in the world
2. I will do my best to help you
3. Our Company delivers the fastest of your goods

B. Comparative
1. Your car is bigger than mine
2. She can dive deeper than me
3. I am smarter than you

C. Positive
1. You cry as loud as my baby
2. I am not as handsome as my father
3. Your smile is as sweet as mine

source :

Kamis, 16 April 2015


Exercise 26 : Adjectives and Adverbs ( page 107)
1. Well
2. Intensely
3. Brigthly
4. Fluently
5. Fluently
6. Smooth
7. Accurate
8. Bitter
9. Soon
10. Fast

Exercise 27 : Linking (Copulative) Verbs ( page : 109 )
1. Terrible
2. Well
3. Good
4. Calm
5. Sick
6. Quickly
7. Diligently
8. Vehemently
9. Relaxed
10. Noisy

Exercise 28 : Comparisons ( page : 114)
1. As
2. More
3. As
4. More
5. As
6. More
7. More
8. Happier
9. Worse
10. Faster

Exercise 29 : Comparisons ( page 114 )
1. Than
2. Than
3. From
4. Than
5. As
6. Than
7. As
8. Than
9. Than
10. From

Exercise 30 :  Comparisons ( page : 117 )
1. Best
2. Happiest
3. Faster
4. Creamiest
5. More colorful
6. Better
7. Good
8. Awkwarder
9. Least
10. Prettiest
11. The better
12. From
13. Less impressive
14. Sicker
15. Than
16. Twice more than
17. Little
18. Much
19. Farthest
20. More famous