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Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015



Causativ verb is a verb that is used to indicate if the subject is not directly responsibe for the actions that occurred, but someone or something else thet  is doin the action. Example are : " I've had my hair cut". Subject I on the sentence does not cut his own hair but it makes someone else do it. Generally there are four verbs causative verb is often used, which have, get, let, and the make.

1. Have
Have a common causative verb. This verb is used to want someone to do something for the subject. The formula used is as follows :

Active sentences : S + ( have / had + agent + action verb ( bare infinitive) + object. The passive voice : S + ( have- had) + object + action verb ( V - 3).

> I had my brother take that glass ( active)
> Mr. Lillie had faithfully check the paper (active)
> I had my jacket cleaned yesterday ( passive)
> I had my computer fixed ( passive)

2. Get
The use of the verb Get similar to haves but with different sntence structure. The formula used is ad follows:
Active: S + (get / got) + agent +action verb ( to infinitive)
Passive : S + (got) + object + action verb ( V-3)
Example :
> He got this father to buy a ball ( active)
> I got my jacket cleaned (passive)

3. Let
This verb is used to let somebody do something. The formula used is as follows :
Active : S + let + agent + action verb ( bare infinitive)
> Will you let me go now?
> She lets me drive her car
> My father lets me choose the gift

4. Make
This verb is used to coerce or very convincing someone to do something. The formula used is as follows :
Active : S + ( make / made) + agent + action verb ( bare infinitive)
> The manager makes her staff work hard
> My teacher made me apologize for what I had said
> Did she makes you wear that ugly hat ?


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